Now I’ve to pass this award on to 5 blogger/artists that make my day too. Though they are too many to choose just one, here goes my list in alphabetical order:
3ster – She’s got a very unique style; her characters, compositions, and coloring are amazing! I’m sure she’s going to do great as a professional illustrator really soon! Suerte Amiga!
JC – She’s one of the sweetest persons I’ve ever met! And she’s got lots of amazing ideas; you must visit her ATC trading page!
Jessi – This girl’s got talent! I can’t help smiling every time I visit her site; her characters are so cute and funny, and her paintings are great!
Marty – I meet PaintMonster DoodleBlog not long ago though IF, and since that day I’m visiting it constantly…she is so creative and I love her colorful style!
Pati – Sure many of you know her, Godo, and her vector illustrations, but you must see her hand-drawn illustrations, they are so detailed and delicate!
To pass it on, here are the details: 1- Write a post with links to 5 blogs that make your day - 2- acknowledge the post of the award giver - 3- Display the “You Make my Day Award” logo - 4- Tell the award winners that they have won by commenting on their blogs with the news.

Alina Chau / Analia Testone / Bearuh / Bernardo Diaz Carrizo / Buep / David Sones / Dintoons / Emilia / Eslina / Ester / Froggie / Georgina / Gustavo Aimar / Gustavo Pinela / Irisz Agocs / Jannie Ho / Jeff Brame / Jennifer / Jessi Tsoi / Kstyles / Laurel Gaylord / Lucia / Lunara / Marty / Maryam / Monica / Mushroommeadows / Paola / Pasuita / Pati / Pupu / Rosmayd / Sakato / Valerie Walsh / Willy-Nilly Waterlily / Zime
Love you all!!!
No paras Zari!!!!! :)
Mil miiiiiiiil gracias por esta sorpresa de nombrarme, acabo de pasarme por aquí a visitarte y me la he encontrado!! :DD
Exquisitas todas tus últimas creaciones, eres tan productiva que tengo que pasar más a menudo..
Espero verte pronto y poder charlar!
Te mando un fuerte abrazo, amiga!
I also love you THIS much! :)
Congratulations on winning the "You Make My Day!" award. It is much deserved as your blog is such a joy and inspiration. I'm always amazed at all the creative ideas you come up with and how you are able to so beautifully portray them on a piece of paper!
Thank you, too, for the "I Love You This Much!" award. You're so sweet!
epa!!! como Ester vine de visita y me encontre con esta alegria :) Monica nos nomino a las dos para el otro premio, JC me nomino tambien y ahora vos con este que no conocia!!! Gracias Zari, en todo este tiempo tambien he aprendido a quererte, dicen que uno expresa con la pintura o su trabajo lo que es y por lo que veo de vos sos una personita muy especial y MUY querible. I love you THIS much (too)!! :)
Gracias Zari!!
El cariño es mutuo ;)
Zari--thank you so much!!!! You are so awesome, you so deserve this award and much more! I loves you right back =) You and your illos ALWAYS make my day!
Mmmuaaahhhhss! Love you Zari!
thank you very much Zari!!!
kisses from Japan
Aww Zari! You're sweet. Thanks for the award and right back at cha.
ayyyy Zari que amor
sabes que no entendia que decia pero ya estaba ancha porque aparesco en el listado, cuestion es que voy al blog de Zime (otra divina) y ahi veo que aparesco nuevamente y entendi que es un premio al amor y la amistad jajaja
Loooove you guys! you are the best!
los quiero muchooooo y estoy feliz de tenerlos como amigos :)
Have a wonderful day Zari!
Dear Zari, Thanks for yours words about me, and a lot of thanks for show this great work day by day (mi inglés es peor que un dolor de barriga, asi que en español: tu trabajo es singular y te doy las gracias por enseñarnos lo que con tanto cariño haces para tus visitantes ys amigos y... ya sabes, en unos dias tendrás regalo por portarte bien,jejeje).
Salut!! ;)
Yo también TE QUIERO MUCHO Zari!!!
Qué alegría, gracias!
Te mando un montón de besotes y abrazos :)
Oh, I just saw this! Thank you so much, Zari, the feeling is mutual! :-)
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