I had drawn this piece for last week’s challenge “choose” - it was so difficult for the kitty to choose between good and evil, specially when being temped by a juicy piece of roasted chicken” - But I wasn’t able to finish it on time, so I thoght it could fit this week’s topic “theory”; if we consider the theory of colors and the patchwork piece in the background. Hope you enjoy it!
Wonderful work Zari :)! "To eat or not to eat" theory - heheh!
So cute Zari! I love the colors.
ohh good and evil.. but both look so cute and adorable.. sums up to one lovely piece. 8)
haha, cute! I love the design work and color choices you are making with your illos! VERY nice! =)
Zari, I love your piece this week! Love the use of color with black&white, realism with illo, etc.
Haha...I think all kitties arepart devil/part angel! That's why we love them so much ;)
Really pretty quilt you have there too Zari!
great concept!
I'm so in love with your illustrations!
Great style and so fun.
What a great piece, Zari, so elaborate and clever. I do love the colors and patchwork feel. Great technique!
I like it Zari. Pink and Blue. =) I like pink better. haha i think i will be a pink freak.. hahaha
love your combination of colors and textures! Both are real cute! I have similar character for the "choose" topic too.
i love the way you put all the elements together! Really amazing!!!
silly kitty! I think it totally works w/ the theory theme, in more than just the color way, too.
Oh, I still need to do a post on your meme...I think the idea absolutely wonderful! Thanks for including me. :D
my eyeballs are popping out! i wasn't expecting this kind of color and MONDO pattern attack! wonnderfully playful! great piece, z! :))
Que lindura, pobre no sabe por cual decidirse hehe..
Just stopped by to say hi and let you know that you've been tagged!
Here are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Zari this is super cute! the colors are great too.
Hi Zari...
thanks for popping by...I may have to pop by more often...and I will!
Esta mañana ha salido desde Madrid un sobre para Libano, con tu nombre en un lado y parte de mi en su interior; espero que te guste el detalle, no espero más que eso.
love the mix between the real and the non-real!
Awesome artwork!
Love the colours. Invoke child like feelings.
I love the patterns that you are incorporating into your illos!
Zari, you are totally amazing with art and colours! i am very impressed!
Hello zari, I think you are a very creative person and love those beautiful art you have done! Hey can I put you on my blogroll? Thanks!
You make such beautiful artwork. I've been admiring your work for a while now and just thought I'd congratulate you :)
In fact, I like you so much, I've tagged you!
Here are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
I hope I didn't annoy you by tagging you :S
Sam :)
Situación en la que muchos nos vemos reflejados, a veces la decisión tomada no es la correcta, pero cuando acertamos ¡que felicidad.! Lo ideal, que no atente contra nosotros ni terceros. ¿Tú entienes, verdad?.
Bello tu trabajo.
Hey Zari, thanks for entering my competition and your kind comments. I love your Blanket submission!
Good luck! x. Honor
Oh, poor birdie! I'm so frightened for him! Great illustration once again. I love the colors!
hi me again.. i have tagged you zari! get ready for your weird things.. };-}
it could even have fitted the topic of multiple... excellent stuff.
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